I am the type of person who likes peaceful and calm, and a quiet atmosphere for deep thinking and meditation. Under these conditions...I am more productive and can give more to the world around me.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Being around people who talk loudly and excessively

Nothing wears me down more and makes me want to escape than being around someone who is talking and talking and talking. Generally they are talking about things that I don’t even care about, nor have an interest in. Many of those things are in the area of someone they know (who I don’t) whose brother’s friend’s sister’s grandmother is doing such and such...you get the picture. I do not like long drawn out senseless conversation.

Also, if I am around someone who has a very loud speaking voice, it makes me cringe and want to poke my fingers in my ear. Then I start getting all nervous and look for the nearest exit.

Introverts love the quiet, peaceful, short conversations that don’t wear them out.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Having to talk within a group who are all listening to me

I am self conscious and on the shy side so having to do ANY talking within a group makes me tense and drains my energy very quickly. If only a couple of people by me are listening, I am ok with that...but to have everyone’s eyes and ears turned my way...oh my gosh.

I try to avoid situations like this as much as I can. I do not like attention drawn to me and I sort of feel like crawling into a hole.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Being in large groups of people

I am more comfortable and feel more in control of myself when I am in much smaller groups of people and I also feel that I am not overwhelmed by the great diversity of personalities such as in a large crowd.

Whether it is shyness or something else, I do not like the feeling that I might be “people watched”. So, the smaller the group...the less intimidated and uncomfortable I feel, otherwise I begin to wish very much that I was not there. Some people might tend to be critical and unkind in their thinking, so I try to avoid that.

Large groups of people can be very loud and boisterous, which makes me nervous and tires me out just having to listen to all of the noise. So...I do much better, productively, in smaller groups of people.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

How my introvert energy level gets depleted

I will write separate posts elaborating on each of these:

1. being in large groups of people
2. having to talk within a group who are all listening to me
3. being around people who talk loudly and excessively
4. being put on the spot
5. doing or going somewhere I really don’t want to

6. having to “socialize”
7. when I have to do a lot of heavy thinking
8. having a deadline or feeling pressure to finish a project
9. sorting out lots of details within information
10. not getting enough breaks in my schedule
(this list will do for now)