I am the type of person who likes peaceful and calm, and a quiet atmosphere for deep thinking and meditation. Under these conditions...I am more productive and can give more to the world around me.

Friday, June 26, 2009

It's wonderful to know that you are not alone

On the introvert forum that I gave you a link to on my last post, it is such a relief to find lots of other introverts that you can “talk” to. I have found comfort, strength, and lots in common with the other wonderful people on the forum. You can post questions and receive answers and explanations to anything you have a concern about…we do lots of sharing of feelings and ideas on the forum.

So….check out the site:

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Like a lighthouse in the storm of life

If you are an introvert, here is an introvert forum that will help you so greatly to feel and know that you are normal.
