I am the type of person who likes peaceful and calm, and a quiet atmosphere for deep thinking and meditation. Under these conditions...I am more productive and can give more to the world around me.

Monday, July 9, 2012

This is a re-post from September 4, 2008...

How my introvert energy level gets depleted... I will write separate posts elaborating on each of these: 1. being in large groups of people 2. having to talk within a group who are all listening to me 3. being around people who talk loudly and excessively 4. being put on the spot 5. doing or going somewhere I really don’t want to 6. having to “socialize” 7. when I have to do a lot of heavy thinking 8. having a deadline or feeling pressure to finish a project 9. sorting out lots of details within information 10. not getting enough breaks in my schedule (this list will do for now)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


It is always fun, and comforting to discover that one of your friends admits that they don't like crowds and lots of people. I say to them..."Oh, you're an introvert, like me" !!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I am still here...

I have been doing a lot of genealogy lately. It has been my first priority for awhile. But I hope to do better with this blog.