I am the type of person who likes peaceful and calm, and a quiet atmosphere for deep thinking and meditation. Under these conditions...I am more productive and can give more to the world around me.

Monday, December 15, 2008

It's rather nice, really.....

....to need and crave quiet alone time, once in awhile. I am sure that EVERYONE must get tired of lots of people around them all the time, and always involved in some type of busy activity.

As an introvert, my alone time is like an oasis in the desert; my chance at regrouping my thoughts and energy; my ray of sunshine on a bitter cold stormy day; and my sip of water after not drinking for a long time. Yes....it’s that important to me!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Not getting enough breaks in my daily schedule

Since introverts need to recharge their energy batteries often, by quiet alone time, it helps a great deal if there are enough breaks in their daily schedule so that they can go off somewhere and do this.